Main Topics

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How can we help you?

Applying to
PhD Programs

Step-by-step guidelines.
Decision. Application. Admission.

First PhDays

Choose research field.
Join research group.
Be proactive.

How to PhD

Practical advice on day-to-day tasks of graduate students.

Student Life

Honest and fun discussions about every aspect of PhD life, beyond academics.

Scientific Writing

Big picture advice.
Practical tips.
Effective writing strategies.

Publishing Manuscripts

Detailed insights into writing every section of a research publication.

Conference Time

Attending. Learning. Networking.
Presenting. Enjoying.

Your Research

Delivering effective talks and posters.

Searching for Jobs

How to land the job you want after years of hard work in grad school.

What's on your mind?

Get in touch if you have an idea for a discussion topic, would like to ask a question, are interested in contributing an article, or simply want to give us some feedback...