Guest Forum

We learn from scientists, professors, industry professionalsprogram managers, journal editors, administrators, researchers, entrepreneurs, grant reviewers, as well as the graduate students themselves.

Perspective, ideas, stories, and advice...

What is a faculty search committee looking for?​

Oliver Steinbock

Constructing a research plan

James J.
De Yoreo

Benefits of joining the National Postdoctoral Association

Emilie Purvine

Finding and applying for workshops, awards, and other opportunities during grad school


Is a career in industry right for me?

Susan Reutzel-Edens

Industry is not a wrong turn from the academic path

Martin E. McBriarty

Changing to an industry job without leaving your Ph.D. behind

Arushi Prakash

Writing a winning
NSF proposal

Alexandra T. Barth

The two-body problem does not have one answer

A hitchhiker’s guide to the field trip

Scientists in the field of Market Research

Conducting part of your PhD thesis research at a national lab: The DOE SCGSR Program

Amnon Ortoll-Bloch

Finding balance as a graduate student and parent

My first year as a professor at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution

Professional scientists can find time to volunteer in their communities

Pursuing a PhD as a non-traditional student: weakness… or superpower?

Unconventional career path can be an asset to faculty applicants and new professors

Scientists, take the reins! Contribute to policy-making at a local and federal level!

PhD. More than a degree

Advice from an entrepreneur: A PhD is not always worth it

On the path from a refugee to a scientist

Photography is an essential part of communicating your science

Succeeding as an industrial chemist involves moving faster, scaling up, and learning to be a diplomat

Exploring the role of a data analyst in the semiconductor industry

Actionable self-care strategies can be easy, fun, and incredibly rewarding


GO-GO: Research at a U.S. Federal Laboratory


Navigating graduate school as a first-generation student


Writing advice from a proofreader


Ways to improve your chances of getting a job in industry


Safety physician careers in the biotech industry


What's on your mind?

Get in touch if you have an idea for a discussion topic, would like to ask a question, are interested in contributing an article, or simply want to give us some feedback...